Īs you have noticed, sounds titles spoke about sounds combinations and, for once theres no Agressive or bad mixed duo-sounds. Sounds Featured: Pluck Mix, Bell Strings, Breath Choir, Soft Voices, Lush Strings, Chime Orchestra, Fast Strings, Soft Synth Orch, Bell Choirs, Swell Strings, Chinese Orchestra, Sky CHoirs, Space Pad, Twelve Moogs, Fast Attack Fuzz, Piano Orchestra, Rough Stack, Big Brass, Brass Choirs, Rich & Mellow, Japanese Flute Orch, Doft Piano Strings, Rainstick Choir, Mystery Pad, Future Choir, Industrial Bamboo, Slow Orchestra Pad, Brass Tutti, Distorded Guitars, Glocken Flute, Staccato Orchestra, Obie Stack, Fender Piano Violin, Microwave, 48Strings Guitar, Bright E-piano Strings, Bright Guitar Strings, Six Piano, Harpsiflute, Spacelanding, B÷sendorfer Frand, Fx1 to 6. This baby is one of the best ive ever heard !!! Full filled with synths, keyb and or SFX sounds, it definatelly rawks !!!